ViaCon Group Joins SteelZero Initiative


ViaCon supports clean, green steel – committing to net-zero steel by 2050

Gothenburg, Sweden – 2022-08-23
Continuing to align with key sustainability goals and leading the charge for positive action toward green development and against climate change, the ViaCon Group has joined the SteelZero initiative, which is focused on increasing market demand for net-zero steel.

By joining the SteelZero initiative, ViaCon makes a commitment to transition to 100% net-zero steel by 2050. In addition, by 2030, at least 50% of ViaCon’s steel must meet specific science-based, CO2-reduction conditions that contribute to the ultimate goal of sourcing only net-zero steel.

Today, steel production is a more sustainable material choice than most alternatives, but production and sourcing can be optimized to reduce emissions. As a 100% recyclable and reusable material, steel is also positioned to play a significant role in the growth of the circular economy. SteelZero is a global initiative to build on these advantages. With the aim of accelerating the transition to 100% net-zero steel by 2050, SteelZero member organizations will collectively use their influence and purchasing power to move global markets and industries toward more responsible production, sourcing and reuse and recycling of steel to meet decarbonization targets and ultimately achieve carbon neutrality.

“A commitment to the SteelZero initiative is a commitment to reducing the burden from virgin material and creating a path to net-zero steel and, more broadly, the circular economy,” said Mattias Hakeröd, Chief HR and Sustainability Officer, ViaConGroup. “Participation in the SteelZero initiative is one decisive action we can take to support a balance between sustainable business growth and environmental principles and stewardship.”

Jen Carson, head of industry at Climate Group, said: “We are delighted to welcome ViaCon to SteelZero. Their membership marks an important step in signalling the global demand for low-emission and net zero steel, particular within the infrastructure industry. This sector plays a central role in driving the net zero transition of steel. Together we are supporting the creation of a decarbonised steel market internationally, and working to deliver a product that eliminates its impact on the climate.”

Participation in the SteelZero Initiative is the latest in ViaCon’s long-term strategy of becoming the sustainable choice in the infrastructure market. ViaCon Group’s net-zero steel ambitions are just one commitment in the company’s pursuit of and support for both sustainability and wider circular economy goals.


Philip Delborn Joins ViaCon Leadership Team as New Chief Financial Officer


Former CFO at GHP Specialty Care augments management team

Gothenburg, Sweden – 2022-06-13

The ViaCon Group today announces the appointment of a new Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Philip Delborn. With more than 20 years of leadership experience in commercial, operational and financial disciplines, Philip will be instrumental in driving the continued overall performance and success of the ViaCon Group.

Prior to joining ViaCon, Philip held C-level and other senior leadership roles, including CFO at listed GHP Specialty Care, where he since 2016 had full responsibility for the Group finance and HR functions. Before GHP Specialty Care, Philip held leadership roles at Unilabs and Capio Diagnostik. As the new CFO of the ViaCon Group, Philip joins the ViaCon Executive Team.

“In order to balance the demands of a rapidly growing business, I have decided to appoint a new chief financial officer,” said ViaCon Group CEO Stefan Nordström. “I am pleased to introduce Philip Delborn as the new CFO who starts latest mid-October this year. I would like to thank our current CFO, Helena Wennerström, for her strive and efforts to put necessary structures in place the last 2 years. Philip’s role is at the Group level, and he is responsible for Finance and IT, situated at our headquarters in Gothenburg, Sweden. Helena will continue in the role of CFO until Philip begins latest mid-October. We are discussing a new strategic role for Helena but for now this is not yet decided.


ViaCons delårsrapport januari – mars 2022


ViaCons första kvartal präglades av en osäker omvärld och ökade priser på insatsmaterial men också av en rekordstark orderingång, vilket skapar goda förutsättningar för utvecklingen framåt.


  • Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 366,3 (314,3) MSEK, en ökning med 16,5 % jämfört med samma period föregående år. Organisk tillväxt uppgick till 13,9 procent.
  • Rörelseresultat före avskrivningar (EBITDA) uppgick till -13,0 (8,0) MSEK, motsvarande en EBITDA-marginal på -3,6 (2,6) %.
  • Rörelseresultat (EBIT) uppgick till -28,9 (-4,8) MSEK, motsvarande en EBIT-marginal på -7,9 (-1,5) %.
  • Justerat rörelseresultat före avskrivningar (justerad EBITDA) uppgick till 1,4 (12,8) MSEK, motsvarande en justerad EBITDA-marginal på 0,4 (4,1) %.
  • Orderingången uppgick till 672,8 (391,1) MSEK, en ökning med 72,0 % jämfört med samma period föregående år. Organisk tillväxt uppgick till 67,5%.
  • Finansinspektionen godkände ViaCons prospekt inför upptagande till handel av bolagets obligationer vid Nasdaq Stockholm
  • Avtal tecknades om att förvärva tillgångar från Bergschenhoek Civiele Techniek B.V. till en köpeskilling om 3,7 miljoner euro.


Kvartalets omsättning uppgick till 366,3 (314,3) MSEK, en ökning med 16,5 procent jämfört med föregående år. ViaCons förvärvade verksamheter har bidragit till en omsättning om 30,6 MSEK, men vi har också valt att lämna icke kärnverksamhet till en omsättning om cirka 22 MSEK i motsvarande period föregående år. Den organiska tillväxten, som uppgick till 13,9 procent justerat för avyttringar och uppköp, är ett resultat av en god underliggande efterfrågan i samtliga segment, av prisökningar och ökade marknadsandelar. Kvartalets orderingång har varit den högsta kvartalsvisa nivån någonsin och uppgick till 672,8 (391,1) MSEK, en ökning med 72,0 procent i jämförelse med samma period föregående år. Den organiska tillväxten uppgick till 67,5 procent.

Under det första kvartalet 2022 tecknades ett avtal om att förvärva tillgångar från Bergschenhoek Civiele Techniek B.V. (BCT) i Nederländerna relaterade till produktsortimenten MultiPlate, SuperCor, HelCor/Spirosol och plaströr, med en sammantagen årsomsättning på cirka 27 MSEK. Affären slutfördes den 2 maj 2022. Genom detta förvärv stärker ViaCon ytterligare sin marknadsledande position i Europa för korrugerade stålbaserade infrastrukturlösningar, vilket ger en ännu starkare plattform för att leverera konkurrenskraftiga och hållbara kundlösningar. Vi har redan börjat arbeta med de affärsmöjligheter som förvärvet för med sig. Att på ett klokt sätt integrera förvärv är ett prioriterat område och vi har en väl utarbetad modell för att stärka både befintliga och nyförvärvade bolag genom att förverkliga synergierna.

ViaCon är fast besluten att ligga i framkant för att positivt påverka hållbarhetsutvecklingen inom infrastruktursektorn och har ett uttalat mål att bli nettonoll, dvs att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser till så nära noll som möjligt, år 2030. Vi är därför glada över att ha utsetts som vinnare i “FSN Capital’s ESG Award” 2021, en utmärkelse som ViaCons ägare har instiftat för att skapa starka och mer hållbara portföljbolag som en del i deras arbete att integrera ESG- och klimathänsyn under hela investeringscykeln. Utöver detta har vi erhållit en utmärkelse från The National Corrugated Steel Pipe Association (NCSPA) för årets projekt 2022 inom kategorin “Going Green” för vårt arbete med att bygga en hållbar framtid. Vi ser dessa utmärkelser som klara erkännanden för vårt hållbarhetsarbete.

Invasionen av Ukraina påverkar oss på många sätt, framför allt genom störningar i leveranskedjan och vi lägger mycket energi på att säkerställa leveranserna till våra kunder. Vidare kommer vi att behöva parera den ökade inflationen med ökad produktivitet och fortsätta arbetet med att föra kostnadsökningar på råvaror, energi och transporter vidare till kund. Samtidigt kommer vi fortsätta att utveckla vår verksamhet genom effektiviseringar och genom att stärka vårt team ytterligare.

Ett första kvartal med en rekordstark orderingång skapar förutsättningar för en god utveckling under resten av året, även om den geopolitiska situationen kommer att medföra en mängd utmaningar. Klart är att ViaCon står väsentligt mycket starkare idag än för ett år sedan. Vår strategi ger oss tillförsikt i att kunna leverera en fortsatt god utveckling som den ledande europeiska leverantören av hållbara lösningar inom våra affärsområden.

Stefan Nordström,
VD och koncernchef

Rapporten finns publicerad på


ViaCon’s Interim report January – March 2022


ViaCon’s first quarter was characterized by an uncertain global situation and increased prices for input materials but also of a record strong order intake, which creates good conditions for development going forward.


  • Net sales amounted to SEK 366.3 million (314.3), an increase of 16.5% compared with the same period last year. Organic growth amounted to 13.9%.
  • Operating earnings before depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to SEK -13.0 million (8.0), corresponding to an EBITDA margin of -3.6% (2.6).
  • Operating earnings (EBIT) amounted to SEK -28.9 million (-4.8), corresponding to an EBIT margin of -7.9% (-1.5).
  • Underlying earnings before depreciation (underlying EBITDA) amounted to SEK 1.4 million (12.8) , corresponding to an underlying EBITDA margin of 0.4% (4.1).
  • Order intake amounted to SEK 672.8 million (391.1), an increase of 72.0 % on the same period last year. Organic growth amounted to 67,5%.
  • FI (the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority) approved ViaCon’s prospectus prior to admitting the company’s bonds for trading on Nasdaq Stockholm.
  • An agreement was signed to acquire assets from Bergschenhoek Civiele Techniek B.V. to a purchase price of EUR 3.7 million.


Sales for the quarter totalled SEK 366.3 million (314.3), an increase of 16.5% on the previous year. ViaCon’s acquired operations contributed SEK 30.6 million to sales, but we have also chosen to leave non-core business with sales of approximately SEK 22 million in the same period last year. Organic growth was 13.9% adjusted for divestments and acquisitions, and was a result of good underlying demand in all segments, along with price rises and increased market shares. Order intake for Q1 were the highest ever for a single quarter, amounting to SEK 672.8 million (391.1), an increase of 72.0% compared to the same period last year. The organic growth amounted to 67,5%.

An agreement was signed during Q1 2022 to acquire assets from Bergschenhoek Civiele Techniek B.V. (BCT) in the Netherlands relating to the MultiPlate, SuperCor, HelCor/Spirosol and plastic pipe product ranges, with combined annual sales of approximately SEK 27 million. The deal was completed on May 2, 2022. The acquisition further strengthens ViaCon’s market leading position in Europe for corrugated steel-based infrastructure solutions, thus establishing an even stronger platform for delivering sustainable, competitive customer solutions. We have already begun working on the business opportunities created by the acquisition. To wisely integrating acquisitions is a priority area and we have a well-developed model to strengthen both existing and newly acquired companies by realizing the synergies.

ViaCon is committed to being at the forefront of positively influencing sustainability development in the infrastructure sector and has a stated goal of becoming net zero, i.e. reducing greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, by 2030. We are therefore delighted to have won FSN Capital’s ESG Award 2021, an award set up by ViaCon’s owners to create strong, more sustainable portfolio companies as part of their efforts to integrate ESG and climate aspects in the entire investment cycle. In addition to this, we have received an award from The National Corrugated Steel Pipe Association (NCSPA) for the Project of the Year 2022 in the “Going Green” category for our work to build a sustainable future. We see these awards as clear recognitions for our sustainability work.

The invasion of Ukraine affects us in many ways, most notably through disruptions in the supply chain and we put a lot of energy into securing the supplies to our customers. Moreover, we will need to counter the higher inflation with increased productivity and continue the work of passing on cost increases on raw materials, energy and transport to the customer. Meanwhile, we will continue to develop our operation by implementing efficiencies and further strengthening our team.

A first quarter with a record strong order intake creates conditions for a good development during the rest of the year, although the geopolitical situation will bring a number of challenges. ViaCon is, however, significantly stronger today than it was a year ago. With our strategy, we are confident that we can continue to deliver strong development as the leading European supplier of sustainable solutions in our segments.

Stefan Nordström,
President and CEO, ViaCon Group

The report is published at


Kommuniké från årsstämma i ViaCon Group AB (publ)


ViaCon Group AB (publ) har hållit årsstämma den 12 maj 2022. Nedan följer en sammanfattning av de beslut som fattades vid stämman, samtliga beslut har fattats med erforderlig majoritet och i enlighet med inför stämman framlagda förslag.

Fastställande av resultat- och balansräkning samt koncernresultat- och koncernbalansräkning samt ansvarsfrihet

Vid årsstämman fastställdes resultat- och balansräkning samt koncernresultaträkningen och koncernbalansräkningen för 2021. Årsstämman beviljade envar av styrelseledamöterna och den verkställande direktören under året ansvarsfrihet för verksamhetsåret 2021.


Årsstämman beslutade att ingen utdelning lämnas för räkenskapsåret 2021 och att Bolagets medel till förfogande stående vinstmedel om sammanlagt 218 383 348 kronor inklusive årets förlust balanseras i ny räkning.

Styrelseledamöter, styrelseordförande och revisorer

Styrelsen ska bestå av sex (6) bolagsstämmovalda ledamöter och en (1) suppleant. Patrik Nolåker, Krzysztof Andrulewicz, Ulrik Smith, Niclas Thiel, Moritz Madlener och Gunilla Spongh omvaldes som ordinarie ledamöter samt Helena Wennerström till styrelsesuppleant. Patrik Nolåker omvaldes som styrelseordförande för tiden intill slutet av årsstämman 2023.

Bolaget ska ha en revisor. Revisionsbolaget Ernst & Young AB med Staffan Landén som huvudansvarig revisor, omvaldes som revisor för tiden intill slutet av årsstämman 2023.

Arvode till styrelsens ledamöter ska utgå med fast arvode om sammanlagt 1 200 000 kronor, varav 500 000 kronor ska utgå till styrelsens ordförande Patrik Nolåker, 350 000 kronor ska utgå till var och en av styrelseledamöterna Gunilla Spongh respektive Krzysztof Andrulewicz. Arvode utgår inte till anställd i FSN Capital eller ViaCon.

Arvode till revisorn ska utgå enligt godkänd räkning.

Besluten i sin helhet

Besluten i sin helhet finns tillgängliga på Bolagets hemsida,

För ytterligare information kontakta

Helena Wennerström, CFO
Tel: +46 (0) 705 69 96 25 


Press release from the Annual General Meeting of ViaCon Group AB (publ) on May 12, 2022


ViaCon Group AB (publ) held the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, May 12, 2022. Below is a summary of the resolutions at the meeting, all made by the required majority and in accordance with proposals presented to the meeting.

Determination of the income statement and balance sheet, as well as the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet and discharge from liability

At the Annual General Meeting, the income statement and balance sheet as well as the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet for 2021 were adopted. The Annual General Meeting granted each of the Board members and the CEO during the year discharge from liability for the 2021 financial year.

Decision on disposition of the company's profits

The Annual General Meeting resolved that no dividend will be paid for the financial year 2021 and that the Company's funds available standing earnings totalling SEK 218 383 348 including the loss for the year are carried forward.

Election of Board members, Chairman of the Board and re-election of auditor

The Board of Directors shall consist of six members elected by the Annual General Meeting and one deputy.
The AGM resolved on the re-election of the board members Patrik Nolåker, Krzysztof Andrulewicz, Ulrik Smith, Niclas Thiel, Moritz Madlener and Gunilla Spongh as ordinary board members and Helena Wennerström as a deputy board member. Patrik Nolåker was re-elected as Chairman of the Board for the period up to the end of the 2023.

The company must have an auditor. The Annual General Meeting resolved to re-elect the auditing company Ernst & Young AB as the company's auditor for the period up to the end of the 2023 AGM. Authorized Public Accountant Staffan Landén will remain as the principal auditor.

Determination of fees to the Board members and the auditor

The Annual General Meeting resolved that fees to the Board members shall be paid in a total of SEK 1,200,000, of which SEK 500,000 shall be paid to the Chairman of the Board, Patrik Nolåker, SEK 350,000 shall be paid to each of Gunilla Spongh and Krzysztof Andrulewicz. A prerequisite for payment is that a member is a board member who is appointed by the Annual General Meeting and is not employed by FSN Capital, the company or subsidiaries.

Furthermore, the AGM decided that fees should be paid to the auditor according to approved invoice.

The decision in its entirety

The adopted guidelines, principles, instructions and decisions as a whole are available at

For further information, please contact:

Helena Wennerström, CFO
Tel: +46 (0) 705-699 625, e-post:


ViaCon has today completed the acquisition of the assets from Bergschenhoek Civiele Techniek B.V. according to plan.


ViaCon has today, through its subsidiary ViaCon Netherlands B.V. (ViaCon), completed the acquisition of the assets from Bergschenhoek Civiele Techniek B.V. (BCT) related to the product range of MultiPlate, SuperCor, HelCor/Spirosol, and plastic pipes. Through this acquisition ViaCon will strengthen its market leadership position in Europe for corrugated steel-based civil engineering solutions.

BCT, located in Bergschenhoek and Zevenbergen in the Netherlands, is the largest producer of steel culverts in the Benelux region. In relation to the assets acquired by ViaCon, BCT develops, produces, and trades various solutions for culverts, tunnels and bridges, drainage and water storage.

Post-closing, ViaCon Netherlands B.V. will change its company name to ViaCon Bergschenhoek Civiele Techniek B.V..

The acquisition is aligned with ViaCon’s strategy to grow further into Western Europe and to build a stronger foothold in the Benelux area as well as to develop and grow a high-margin business for all our business units.

For further information, we refer to previous press release of the acquisition.

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 16:30 on 2nd of May 2022.


ViaCons årsredovisning med hållbarhetsrapport för 2021


ViaCon Group AB:s årsredovisning med hållbarhetsrapport för 2021 har idag publicerats på ViaCons webbplats.

Rapporten är tillgänglig för nedladdning från

Denna information är sådan information som ViaCon Group AB (publ) är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt lagen om värdepappersmarknaden. Informationen lämnades för offentliggörande den 21 april 2022, kl. 16:00 CET.


ViaCon’s Annual Report with Sustainability Report 2021


ViaCon Group AB:s årsredovisning med hållbarhetsrapport för 2021 har idag publicerats på ViaCons webbplats.

The report is available for download on

This information is information that ViaCon Group AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication at 16:00 CET on 21 April, 2022.


ViaCon acquires assets from Bergschenhoek Civiele Techniek B.V. and further strengthens its market leader position in Europe.


ViaCon has today, through its subsidiary ViaCon Netherlands B.V. (ViaCon), signed an agreement to acquire assets from Bergschenhoek Civiele Techniek B.V. (BCT) related to the product range of MultiPlate, SuperCor, HelCor/Spirosol, and plastic pipes. Through this acquisition ViaCon further strengthens its market leadership position in Europe for corrugated steel-based civil engineering solutions, providing an even stronger platform for delivering competitive and sustainable customer solutions. The purchase price amounts to EUR 3.7 million (approx. SEK 38,3 million) and will be paid in cash.

BCT, located in Bergschenhoek and Zevenbergen in the Netherlands, is the largest producer of steel culverts in the Benelux region and holds a strong market position, both in the Netherlands and in nearby markets. In relation to the assets to be acquired by ViaCon, BCT develops, produces, and trade various solutions for culverts, tunnels and bridges, drainage and water storage. BCT has long relations with the ViaCon Group and ViaCon Hamco in Germany (which was acquired by ViaCon in April 2021). Hamco started the production site in Zevenbergen, NL, and it was acquired by Bergschenhoek Group in 1993, and up until today BCT has sourced MultiPlate and SuperCor from Hamco and ViaCon.

ViaCon acquires assets from BCT related to the product range of MultiPlate, SuperCor, HelCor/Spirosol, and plastic pipes and plastic pipes accessories, used mainly for the applications of culverts, tunnels and bridges, drainage and water storage. The acquisition is aligned with ViaCon’s strategy to grow further into Western Europe and to build a stronger foothold in the Benelux area as well as to develop and grow a high-margin business for all our business units.

“I am very pleased about the acquisition, and we see very promising operational as well as commercial synergies. It will further strengthen and build ViaCon’s market leadership position in Europe for corrugated steel-based civil engineering solutions, providing an even stronger platform for delivering competitive and sustainable customer solutions”, says Stefan Nordström, President and CEO of ViaCon Group.

“Over the last decades Bergschenhoek Civiele Techniek (BCT) has successfully built a strong market position in the Benelux region, based on market leading customer service and product performance. Bergschenhoek Group are very pleased with this step and comfortable with that BCT, as part of ViaCon, will provide the market and our customers an even better proposition towards the future”, says 
Jeroen Rook, Directeur (CEO) Bergschenhoek Group.

In relation to the products and segments ViaCon is set to acquire as part of the asset deal, the annual sales of the business have historically been around EUR 2.6 million (approximately SEK 26,9 million) with a normalized EBITDA margin of approximately 21 percent.

The financing of the acquisition will be handled within the existing financial setup. ViaCon’s transaction costs in relation to the acquisition is estimated to EUR 0,2 million.

Closing is expected to take place on May 2, 2022. The completion of the acquisition is conditional upon certain actions taken by the seller.

ViaCon Netherlands B.V. will change its company name to ViaCon Bergschenhoek Civiele Techniek B.V., and will have exclusive rights to the name Bergschenhoek Civiele Techniek (BCT) B.V. The company will be a sales company and the products will be delivered from ViaCon's current production setup. After completion of the transaction, the current owners of BCT will continue to sell products not in scope of ViaCon’s acquisition, but under a different company name.


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About us

ViaCon constructs connections. Consciously.

We combine more than three decades of experience with today's cutting-edge technology and vital sustainable goals. ViaCon is a pioneer in the field of Bridges & Culverts-, GeoTechnical- and StormWater Solutions.

About us

ViaCon constructs connections. Consciously.

We combine more than three decades of experience with today's cutting-edge technology and vital sustainable goals. ViaCon is a pioneer in the field of Bridges & Culverts-, GeoTechnical- and StormWater Solutions.

About us

ViaCon constructs connections. Consciously.

We combine more than three decades of experience with today's cutting-edge technology and vital sustainable goals. ViaCon is a pioneer in the field of Bridges & Culverts-, GeoTechnical- and StormWater Solutions.

About us

ViaCon constructs connections. Consciously.

We combine more than three decades of experience with today's cutting-edge technology and vital sustainable goals. ViaCon is a pioneer in the field of Bridges & Culverts-, GeoTechnical- and StormWater Solutions.