About us

More than 30 years of experience

Constructing connections. Consciously.

Constructing the future means building with long-lasting, durable and renewable materials that do the least harm and perform for a lifetime. For ViaCon, constructing connections – consciously – means taking a stand for balancing people, planet and responsible, cost-effective business.


Constructing sustainable success

Backed by a 35-year reputation as a leading provider of world-class infrastructural solutions in civil engineering, geotechnical solutions and stormwater management, ViaCon’s outlook on the future prioritises people and planet alongside shared value creation.

ViaCon’s vision is to build a future-proof world with smarter, more sustainable constructed connections. Built on strongNordic roots,ViaConembodies a practical, human perspective thatbrings together technology and verifiable sustainability. 

ViaCon’s mission is to provide best-in-class solutions that will carry society forward sustainably by delivering expert know-how, technical innovation and long-lasting materials for circular, sustainable infrastructure construction. 

Since 1986, ViaCon has defined the infrastructure construction. Expanding throughout Europe in the 1990s and 2000s, ViaCon drives smart, future-friendlyconstruction solutions for bridges and culverts, geotechnical andstormwater solutions.  

ViaCon by the numbers

ViaCon is making its mark across countries, construction projects and people all over the world.


Years of experience





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A word from our CEO

As we continue to shape and lead our industry, ViaCon supports our customers, providing comprehensive local market expertise strengthened by the reach of the global ViaCon Group. Working together as a group gives us an advantage: we can connect the best practices and technical know-how of people from across the continent to achieve ground-breaking results and offer cost-efficient solutions to our customers from all over Europe. 

Looking toward the future, sustainability for ViaCon is as much about the longevity and trust we create with partners and customers as well it is our commitment to creating sustainable value chains and environment.  

Stefan Nordström
CEO ViaCon Group

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