ViaCon “steels” the show at IFAT, continuing its sustainability leadership

Riding the momentum of winning the FSN ESG Award, the NCSPA award and the major efficiency-boosting acquisition of BCT, ViaCon is ready to take sustainability-focused IFAT event by storm

Sustainability encompasses everything from actively securing resource efficiency and promoting ESG initiatives to following circular economic models. ViaCon has gone from strength to strength in driving green endeavours and creating more with less, leading the way in support of a sustainable future. After all, the future is the best renewable resource we have.

Demonstrating ESG in action

ViaCon’s presence at the IFAT conference in Munich (May 30-June 3, 2022) will showcase ViaCon’s deep commitment to ESG initiatives, justifiably recognized through ViaCon’s nomination for the 2022 IFAT Sustainability Awards. Backed by a 35-year history during which ViaCon has sought to do sustainable business, the company has been celebrated in a number of ways for its green credentials. For example, ViaCon has been awarded FSN’s ESG Award for 2021, recognizing ViaCon’s continuous ESG efforts and improvements in daily operations and clarity in ESG policies as part of a comprehensive sustainability strategy. ViaCon has also secured first place in the “Going Green” category of the NCSPA awards in 2021 with an entry highlighting a Turkish high-speed rail ecological overpass project.

In addition to ViaCon’s future-facing green activities, the company itself operates on green foundations. ViaCon solutions for storm, waste and rainwater have been designed to minimize CO2 emissions, and even more fundamentally, are created from the most sustainable, cost-efficient, and reusable material in the world: steel. Corrugated steel is 100% recyclable, which means it can be recycled into the same material of the same quality again and again. Even with continued reuse, steel’s strength, durability, versatility and performance never wavers.

Striving for sustainability

Sustainability also means building efficiencies, helping to set ESG standards and exceeding them. ViaCon’s ambitious acquisition strategy is also designed to drive better governance and resource use. ViaCon’s recent acquisition of assets from BCT Netherlands is an example of combining forces and expertise to deliver better solutions in specific markets while continuing to advance a more sustainable agenda.

The future is the best resource we have

ViaCon aims to connect at IFAT from May 30 to June 3 to discuss how we can construct a more responsible, sustainable, climate-conscious future. Together.