ViaCon’s Full Year report January – December 2023

Another strong fourth quarter with improved margins and increased order intake.


  • Net sales amounted to EUR 51,585 thousand (59,783), a decrease of 13.7% compared with the corresponding period last year. Organic growth amounted to -9.8%.
  • Operating earnings (EBIT) amounted to EUR 5,603 thousand (6,537), corresponding to an EBIT margin of 10.9% (10.9).
  • Operating earnings before depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to EUR 7,389 thousand (8,020), corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 14.3% (13.4).
  • Underlying earnings before depreciation (underlying EBITDA) amounted to EUR 8,563 thousand (8,587), corresponding to an underlying EBITDA margin of 16.6% (14.4).
  • Order intake amounted to EUR 41,516 thousand (35,084), an increase of 18.3% compared with the same period last year. Organic growth amounted to 30.6%.
  • The intensified efficiency work has now been fully implemented, with reduction of workforce completed according to plan.


  • Net sales amounted to EUR 189,903 thousand (218,440), a decrease of 13.1% compared with the corresponding period last year. Organic growth amounted to -8.6%.
  • Operating earnings (EBIT) amounted to EUR 13,162 thousand (16,758), corresponding to an EBIT margin of 6.9% (7.7).
  • Operating earnings before depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to EUR 19,763 thousand (22,516), corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 10.4% (10.3).
  • Underlying earnings before depreciation (underlying EBITDA) amounted to EUR 23,710 thousand (26,862), corresponding to an underlying EBITDA margin of 12.5% (12.3).
  • Order intake amounted to EUR 199,275 thousand (215,767), a decrease of 7.6% compared with the same period last year. Organic growth amounted to -0.1%.
  • Operating earnings for the year was negatively impacted by lower sales, mainly due to delays in customers’ financing of their projects, especially during the first half of the year. The situation improved during the second half of the year with increased order intake and improved margins.
  • As of January 1, 2023, the accounting currency and presentation currency is Euro.


In the fourth quarter of the year, ViaCon delivered a result (adjusted EBITDA) in line with the fourth quarter of 2022, which was the best fourth quarter for the Group to date. This means that the second half of 2023 shows a clear improvement in earnings compared with the previous year. Volumes have still not returned to 2022 levels, but just like in the third quarter, order intake in Q4 is increasing compared to the previous year. In addition, it is gratifying that order intake has also developed positively at the beginning of 2024. The efficiency work that was intensified during the summer has now been carried out according to plan, which means that ViaCon’s margins improved both in the quarter and for the full year 2023.

Sales for the quarter amounted to EUR 51,585 thousand (59,783), a decrease of 13.7% compared to the previous year. Although market activity is high, volumes have been lower in the fourth quarter compared to the previous year as a result of the uncertainty created by high interest rates and inflation levels during the year. Organic growth was -9.8%, adjusted for exchange rate effects, divestments and acquisitions.

Operating earnings (EBIT) amounted to EUR 5,603 thousand (6,537), corresponding to an EBIT margin of 10.9% (10.9). Adjusted operating earnings amounted to EUR 6,777 thousand (7,104), corresponding to an adjusted EBIT margin of 13.1% (11.9). Operating earnings have been affected by the lower volumes, but also by the reduced costs from the efficiency work. Cash flow from operating activities for the quarter was positive, mainly driven by operating profit and improved working capital.

There are several infrastructure investments taking place around Europe as there is a great need to renew and expand an aging infrastructure in many countries. Order intake during the quarter was strong and amounted to EUR 41,516 thousand (35,084), corresponding to organic growth of 30.6%. Our expectation is that order intake will remain at a good level in the coming period.

In June, we decided to intensify the efficiency work that was initiated in 2022 with the aim of streamlining the organization for increased agility and efficiency, with the goal of reducing the workforce by approximately 180 positions. The initiative has now been fully implemented and reduction of workforce have been completed according to plan. During the fourth quarter, the initiative has reduced our costs excluding non-recurring costs, compared to the costs we had planned for, by approximately EUR 3.0 million. For the full year 2023, the initiative has contributed to cost savings excluding non-recurring costs of approximately EUR 6.3 million. By the end of the fourth quarter, this means that the initiative will result in sustainable efficiency improvements corresponding to approximately EUR 10 million on an annual basis. The non-recurring costs related to this initiative amount to EUR 3.1 million, of which EUR 1.1 million was charged to earnings in the fourth quarter. These measures will strengthen ViaCon both in the short and long term.

With a continued increase in order intake and with positive cost effects from the efficiency work, we look forward with confidence to a successful 2024.

Stefan Nordström,
President and CEO, ViaCon Group

Presentation of the report

A live presentation of the financial results and development for the period followed by a Q&A session will be held as follows:

Date: February 23, 2024
Time: 11:00 -12:00 CET
Presenters: CEO Stefan Nordström and CFO Philip Delborn
Link to webcast:

The session will be recorded and available to watch on-demand via the link above.

The full report is published at

ViaCons bokslutsrapport januari – december 2023

Ytterligare ett starkt fjärde kvartal med förbättrade marginaler och ökad orderingång.


  • Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 51 585 (59 783) TEUR, en minskning med 13,7 % jämfört med samma period föregående år. Organisk tillväxt uppgick till -9,8 %.
  • Rörelseresultat (EBIT) uppgick till 5 603 (6 537) TEUR, motsvarande en EBIT-marginal på 10,9 (10,9)%.
  • Rörelseresultat före avskrivningar (EBITDA) uppgick till 7 389 (8 020) TEUR, motsvarande en EBITDA-marginal på 14,3 (13,4)%.
  • Justerat rörelseresultat före avskrivningar (justerad EBITDA) uppgick till 8 563 (8 587) TEUR, motsvarande en justerad EBITDA-marginal 16,6 (14,4)%.
  • Orderingången uppgick till 41 516 (35 084) TEUR, en ökning med 18,3 % jämfört med samma period föregående år. Organisk tillväxt uppgick till 30,6 %.
  • Det intensifierade effektiviseringsarbetet har nu fullt genomförts där neddragningar av tjänster har slutförts enligt plan.


  • Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 189 903 (218 440) TEUR, en minskning med 13,1 % jämfört med samma period föregående år. Organisk tillväxt uppgick till -8,6 %.
  • Rörelseresultat (EBIT) uppgick till 13 162 (16 758) TEUR, motsvarande en EBIT-marginal på 6,9 (7,7)%.
  • Rörelseresultat före avskrivningar (EBITDA) uppgick till 19 763 (22 516) TEUR, motsvarande en EBITDA-marginal på 10,4 (10,3)%.
  • Justerat rörelseresultat före avskrivningar (justerad EBITDA) uppgick till 23 710 (26 862) TEUR, motsvarande en justerad EBITDA-marginal 12,5 (12,3)%.
  • Orderingången uppgick till 199 275 (215 767) TEUR, en minskning med 7,6 % jämfört med samma period föregående år. Organisk tillväxt uppgick till -0,1 %.
  • Årets rörelseresultat har påverkats negativt av lägre omsättning främst på grund av fördröjning av kunders finansiering av sina projekt, framförallt under det första halvåret. Situationen förbättrades under det andra halvåret med ökad orderingång och förbättrade marginaler.
  • Från och med den 1 januari 2023 är euro redovisnings- och presentationsvaluta.


Under årets fjärde kvartal levererar ViaCon ett resultat (justerad EBITDA) som är i linje med det fjärde kvartalet 2022, som var det bästa fjärde kvartalet för koncernen hittills. Det innebär att det andra halvåret 2023 visar en tydlig resultatförbättring jämfört med året innan. Volymerna har fortfarande inte kommit tillbaka till nivåerna 2022, men precis som i det tredje kvartalet, ökar orderingången i Q4 jämfört med föregående år. Därtill är det glädjande att orderingången även under inledningen av 2024 har utvecklats positivt. Det effektiviseringsarbete som intensifierades under sommaren har nu genomförts enligt plan, vilket innebär att ViaCons marginaler förbättrats både i kvartalet och för helåret 2023.

Kvartalets omsättning uppgick till 51 585 (59 783) TEUR, en minskning med 13,7 procent jämfört med föregående år. Även om aktiviteten på marknaden är hög, har volymerna varit lägre under det fjärde kvartalet jämfört med året innan till följd av den osäkerhet som höga ränte- och inflationsnivåer skapat under året. Den organiska tillväxten uppgick till -9,8 procent justerat för valutaeffekter, avyttringar och uppköp.

Rörelseresultatet (EBIT) uppgick till 5 603 (6 537) TEUR, motsvarande en EBIT-marginal på 10,9 (10,9) procent. Det justerade rörelseresultatet uppgick till 6 777 (7 104) TEUR, motsvarande en justerad EBIT-marginal på 13,1 (11,9) procent. Rörelseresultatet har påverkats av de lägre volymerna, men även av de sänkta kostnaderna från effektiviseringsarbetet. Kvartalets kassaflöde från den löpande verksamheten var positivt, drivet av främst rörelseresultat och förbättrat rörelsekapital.

Det sker åtskilliga infrastrukturinvesteringar runt om i Europa då det finns ett stort behov av att förnya och bygga ut en åldrande infrastruktur i många länder. Orderingången under kvartalet var stark och uppgick till 41 516 (35 084) TEUR, motsvarande en organisk tillväxt på 30,6 procent. Vår förväntan är att orderingången kommer att vara på en fortsatt god nivå under den kommande perioden.

I juni tog vi beslut om en intensifiering av det effektiviseringsarbete som inleddes under 2022 i syfte att slimma organisationen för ökad agilitet och effektivitet, med målsättningen att minska arbetsstyrkan med cirka 180 tjänster. Initiativet har nu fullt genomförts där neddragningar av tjänster har slutförts enligt plan. Under det fjärde kvartalet har initiativet reducerat våra kostnader exklusive engångskostnader, jämfört med de kostnader vi hade planerat för, med cirka 3,0 MEUR. För helåret 2023 har initiativet bidragit med kostnadsbesparingar exklusive engångskostnader om cirka 6,3 MEUR. Vid utgången av det fjärde kvartalet innebär det att initiativet resulterar i uthålliga effektiviseringar motsvarande cirka 10 MEUR på årlig basis. Engångskostnaderna kopplat till detta initiativ uppgår till 3,1 MEUR, varav 1,1 MEUR belastat resultatet i det fjärde kvartalet. Dessa åtgärder kommer att stärka ViaCon både på kort och lång sikt.

Med en fortsatt ökande orderingång och med positiva kostnadseffekter från effektiviseringsarbetet ser vi med tillförsikt fram emot ett framgångsrikt 2024.

Stefan Nordström,
VD och koncernchef

Presentation av rapporten
En direktsänd presentation av resultat och utvecklingen för perioden följt av en frågestund kommer att hållas enligt följande:

Datum: 23 februari 2024
Tid: 11:00-12:00 CET
Värdar: VD och koncernchef Stefan Nordström och Finansdirektör Philip Delborn
Länk till webcasten:

Presentationen kommer att hållas på engelska. Det kommer vara möjligt att ta del av sändningen i efterhand via länken ovan.

Rapporten i sin helhet finns publicerad på

Invitation to presentation of ViaCon’s Q4 report 2023

The ViaCon Group invites you to a webcast presenting 2023’s fourth quarter results.

Date: February 23, 2024
Time: 11:00-12:00 CET
Presenters: CEO Stefan Nordström and CFO Philip Delborn
Link to webcast: ViaCon Group Year-end Report 2023 – Finwire

On February 23, 2024 at 11:00 CET, ViaCon’s CEO, Stefan Nordström, and CFO, Philip Delborn, will present financial results and development for the fourth quarter 2023. The presentation will be held in English and includes a Q&A session.

The Q4 report will be published prior to the presentation the same date.

The report and the presentation will be available on ViaCon's website after they are released: Reports – Viacon Group.

Inbjudan till presentation av ViaCons Q4-rapport 2023

ViaCon Group bjuder in till en webbsänd presentation av fjärde kvartalet 2023.

Datum: 23 februari 2024
Tid: 11:00-12:00 CET
Presentatörer: VD Stefan Nordström och CFO Philip Delborn
Länk till webbsändning: ViaCon Group Year-end Report 2023 – Finwire (

Den 23 februari 2024 klockan 11:00 presenterar ViaCons VD, Stefan Nordström, och CFO, Philip Delborn, koncernens ekonomiska resultat och utveckling för fjärde kvartalet 2023. Presentationen kommer att hållas på engelska och inkluderar en frågesession.

Q4-rapporten kommer att publiceras den 23 februari innan webbsändningen.

Rapporten samt presentationen kommer att finnas tillgängliga på ViaCons hemsida efter att de är släppta: Rapporter – Viacon Group.

ViaCon wins order for delivering sustainable infrastructure solutions

ViaCon has won an order for delivering rainwater harvesting tanks for a sustainable solution, along with Gabion Walls solutions for a datacenter project in Sweden. The project value exceeds SEK 40 million.

“I am pleased to share the news that ViaCon Sweden has secured this deal. We were awarded the contract based on our knowledge and experience but also because of our strong sustainability offering, which was an important factor in this customer’s decision-making which this customer placed high demands on their business partner,” says Stefan Nordström, President and CEO of ViaCon.

ViaCon's role in this venture involves delivering a rainwater harvesting system, along with Gabion Wall solutions. The comprehensive Project Scope encompasses design, production, and installation. The production of water tanks takes place in Lycksele in Sweden, while prefilled and machine-vibrated gabions will be produced on-site, maximizing the value add and a best possible sustainable project delivery.

The timeline for this undertaking is demanding, requiring significant effort from our Swedish execution team, commencing from mid-January, and anticipated to conclude within the first half of 2024.

ViaCons delårsrapport januari – september 2023

ViaCons bästa kvartal hittills med resultatförbättringar i alla tre affärsområden.


  • Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 57 710 (62 607) TEUR, en minskning med 7,8 % jämfört med samma period föregående år. Organisk tillväxt uppgick till -1,5 %.
  • Rörelseresultat (EBIT) uppgick till 8 557 (6 441) TEUR, motsvarande en EBIT-marginal på 14,8 (10,3)%.
  • Rörelseresultat före avskrivningar (EBITDA) uppgick till 10 246 (7 842) TEUR, motsvarande en EBITDA-marginal på 17,8 (12,5)%.
  • Justerat rörelseresultat före avskrivningar (justerad EBITDA) uppgick till 11 492 (8 937) TEUR, motsvarande en justerad EBITDA-marginal 19,9 (14,3)%.
  • Orderingången uppgick till 61 205 (55 052) TEUR, en ökning med 11,2 % jämfört med samma period föregående år. Organisk tillväxt uppgick till 26,8 %.
  • Under kvartalet har rörelseresultatet påverkats av den starka omsättningsutvecklingen inom affärsområdet Bridges & Culverts, samt av det pågående effektiviseringsarbetet inom samtliga tre affärsområden.


  • Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 138 319 (158 657) TEUR, en minskning med 12,8 % jämfört med samma period föregående år. Organisk tillväxt uppgick till -8,2 %.
  • Rörelseresultat (EBIT) uppgick till 7 559 (10 221) TEUR, motsvarande en EBIT-marginal på 5,5 (6,4)%.
  • Rörelseresultat före avskrivningar (EBITDA) uppgick till 12 374 (14 496) TEUR, motsvarande en EBITDA-marginal på 8,9 (9,1)%.
  • Justerat rörelseresultat före avskrivningar (justerad EBITDA) uppgick till 15 147 (18 275) TEUR, motsvarande en justerad EBITDA-marginal 11,0 (11,5)%.
  • Orderingången uppgick till 157 760 (180 683) TEUR, en minskning med 12,7 % jämfört med samma period föregående år. Organisk tillväxt uppgick till -6,1 %.
  • Årets rörelseresultat har påverkats negativt av lägre omsättning främst på grund av fördröjning av kunders finansiering av sina projekt under det första halvåret. Situationen förbättrades under det tredje kvartalet, med ökad orderingång och resultatförbättring.
  • Från och med den 1 januari 2023 är euro redovisnings- och presentationsvaluta.


Under det tredje kvartalet ökade aktiviteten i merparten av ViaCons marknader jämfört med årets första halvår. Detta återspeglar sig på koncernens omsättning, resultat och orderingång. Situationen med förseningar i ViaCons kunders finansieringslösningar, som hade en negativ påverkan i det första och andra kvartalet, förbättrades under det tredje kvartalet. Därutöver har det intensifierade effektiviseringsarbetet som lanserade i slutet av det andra kvartalet haft en positiv effekt på våra kostnader under perioden.

Kvartalets omsättning uppgick till 57 710 (62 607) TEUR, en minskning med 7,8 procent jämfört med föregående år. Omsättningsutvecklingen var relaterad till GeoTechnical Solutions och StormWater Solutions, där vi fortfarande ser vissa effekter av förseningar i kundernas finansieringslösningar. Bridges & Culverts Solutions hade en mycket god organisk tillväxt om 27,6 procent. ViaCon har valt att lämna, samt avyttra, icke kärnverksamhet till en omsättning om cirka 972 TEUR i motsvarande period föregående år. Genom att fortsätta att lämna produktgrupper med låg lönsamhet ökar vi våra produktmarginaler. Den organiska tillväxten uppgick till -1,5 procent justerat för valutaeffekter, avyttringar och uppköp.

Rörelseresultatet (EBIT) uppgick till 8 557 (6 441) TEUR, motsvarande en EBIT-marginal på 14,8 (10,3) procent. Det justerade rörelseresultatet uppgick till 9 802 (7 537) TEUR, motsvarande en justerad EBIT-marginal på 17,0 (12,0) procent. Rörelseresultatet har påverkats av den starka omsättningsutvecklingen inom affärsområdet Bridges & Culverts samt av det pågående effektiviseringsarbetet inom samtliga tre affärsområden. Kvartalets kassaflöde var positivt, drivet av främst rörelseresultat och förändring av rörelsekapital.

Det sker åtskilliga infrastrukturinvesteringar runt om i Europa då det finns ett stort behov av att förnya och bygga ut en åldrande infrastruktur i många länder. Orderingången under kvartalet var stark och uppgick till 61 205 (55 052) TEUR, motsvarande en organisk tillväxt på 26,8 procent. Vår förväntan är att orderingången kommer att vara på en fortsatt god nivå under hösten.

I juni tog vi beslut om en intensifiering av det effektiviseringsarbete som inleddes under 2022 i syfte att slimma organisationen för ökad agilitet och effektivitet, vilket innebär att ViaCon kommer att minska arbetsstyrkan med cirka 180 tjänster. Under kvartalet har initiativet fortskridit enligt plan och vid utgången av september hade neddragningen av merparten av dessa tjänster genomförts. Neddragningen av resterande tjänsterna kommer att genomföras under det fjärde kvartalet. Under det tredje kvartalet har initiativet reducerat våra kostnader exklusive engångskostnader, jämfört med de kostnader vi hade planerat för, med cirka 2,7 MEUR. För helåret 2023 förväntas initiativet att bidra med kostnadsbesparingar exklusive engångskostnader om cirka 6 MEUR. Vid utgången av det fjärde kvartalet förväntar vi oss att detta initiativ resulterar i uthålliga effektiviseringar motsvarande cirka 10 MEUR på årlig basis. Engångskostnaderna kopplat till detta initiativ förväntas uppgå till 2,5-3,0 MEUR, varav 1,2 MEUR belastat resultatet i det tredje kvartalet. Dessa åtgärder kommer att stärka ViaCon både på kort och lång sikt.

Med en ökande orderingång och med det pågående effektiviseringsarbetet ser vi med tillförsikt fram emot en god avslutning på året. Stefan Nordström,
VD och koncernchef

Presentation av rapporten
En direktsänd presentation av resultat och utvecklingen för perioden följt av en frågestund kommer att hållas enligt följande:

Datum: 17 november 2023
Tid: 10:00-11:00 CET
Värdar: VD och koncernchef Stefan Nordström och Finansdirektör Philip Delborn
Länk till webcasten:

Presentationen kommer att hållas på engelska. Det kommer vara möjligt att ta del av sändningen i efterhand via länken ovan.

Rapporten i sin helhet finns publicerad på

ViaCon’s Interim Report January – September 2023

ViaCon’s best quarter up to now with earnings improvements in all three business units.


  • Net sales amounted to EUR 57,710 thousand (62,607), a decrease of 7.8% compared with the corresponding period last year. Organic growth amounted to -1.5%.
  • Operating earnings (EBIT) amounted to EUR 8,557 thousand (6,441), corresponding to an EBIT margin of 14.8% (10.3).
  • Operating earnings before depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to EUR 10,246 thousand (7,842), corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 17.8% (12.5).
  • Underlying earnings before depreciation (underlying EBITDA) amounted to EUR 11,492 thousand (8,937), corresponding to an underlying EBITDA margin of 19.9% (14.3).
  • Order intake amounted to EUR 61,205 thousand (55,052), an increase of 11.2% compared with the same period last year. Organic growth amounted to 26.8%.
  • During the quarter, the operating earnings were affected by the strong sales development in the Bridges & Culverts business unit, as well as by the ongoing efficiency improvement work in all three business units.


  • Net sales amounted to EUR 138,319 thousand (158,657), a decrease of 12.8% compared with the corresponding period last year. Organic growth amounted to -8.2%.
  • Operating earnings (EBIT) amounted to EUR 7,559 thousand (10,221), corresponding to an EBIT margin of 5.5% (6.4).
  • Operating earnings before depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to EUR 12,374 thousand (14,496), corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 8.9% (9.1).
  • Underlying earnings before depreciation (underlying EBITDA) amounted to EUR 15,147 thousand (18,275), corresponding to an underlying EBITDA margin of 11.0% (11.5).
  • Order intake amounted to EUR 157,760 thousand (180,683), a decrease of 12.7% compared with the same period last year. Organic growth amounted to -6.1%.
  • The year’s operating earnings have been negatively affected by lower sales mainly due to delays in customers’ financing of their projects during the first half of the year. The situation improved during the third quarter, with increased order intake and earnings improvement.
  • As of January 1, 2023, the accounting currency and presentation currency is Euro.


During the third quarter, activity increased in most of ViaCon’s markets compared to the first half of the year. This is reflected in the group’s sales, results and order intake. The situation with delays in ViaCon’s customers’ financing solutions, which had a negative impact on the first and second quarters, improved in the third quarter. In addition, the intensified efficiency work launched at the end of the second quarter has had a positive effect on our costs during the period.

Sales for the quarter amounted to EUR 57,710 thousand (62,607), a decrease of 7.8% on the previous year. The sales development was related to GeoTechnical Solutions and StormWater Solutions, where we still have some effects from delays in customers financing solutions. Bridges & Culverts Solutions had a very good organic growth of 27.6%. ViaCon has chosen to leave, and divest, non-core operations with sales of around EUR 972 thousand in the corresponding period previous year. By continuing to leave product groups with low profitability, we increase our product margins. Organic growth amounted to -1.5% adjusted for currency effects, divestments and acquisitions.

The operating earnings (EBIT) amounted to EUR 8,557 thousand (6,441), corresponding to an EBIT margin of 14.8% (10.3). The adjusted operating earnings amounted to EUR 9,802 thousand (7,537), corresponding to an adjusted EBIT margin of 17.0% (12.0). The operating earnings have been affected by the strong sales development in the Bridges & Culverts business unit as well as by the ongoing efficiency work in all three business units. Cash flow for the quarter was positive, mainly driven by operating profit and changes in working capital.

There are several infrastructure investments taking place around Europe as there is a great need to renew and expand an ageing infrastructure in many countries. Order intake during the quarter was strong and amounted to EUR 61,205 thousand (55,052), corresponding to an organic growth of 26.8%. Our expectation is that order intake will remain at a good level during the autumn.

In June, we decided to intensify the efficiency work initiated in 2022 with the aim of slimming the organization for increased agility and efficiency, which means that ViaCon will reduce the workforce by approximately 180 positions. During the quarter,

the initiative progressed according to plan and by the end of September, the reduction of most of these positions was completed. The reduction of the remaining positions will be implemented during the fourth quarter. During the third quarter, the initiative has reduced our costs excluding non-recurring items, compared to the costs we had planned for, by approximately EUR 2.7 million. For the full year 2023, the initiative is expected to contribute to cost savings excluding non-recurring items of approximately EUR 6 million. At the end of the fourth quarter, we expect this initiative to result in sustainable efficiencies corresponding to approximately EUR 10 million on an annual basis. The non-recurring items linked to this initiative are expected to amount to EUR 2.5-3.0 million, of which EUR 1.2 million have burdened the result in the third quarter. These measures will strengthen ViaCon both in the short and in the long term.

With an increasing order intake and with the ongoing streamlining work, we confidently look forward to a good end to the year.

Stefan Nordström,
President and CEO, ViaCon Group

Presentation of the report

A live presentation of the financial results and development for the period followed by a Q&A session will be held as follows:

Date: November 17, 2023
Time: 10:00 -11:00 CET
Presenters: CEO Stefan Nordström and CFO Philip Delborn
Link to webcast:

The session will be recorded and available to watch on-demand via the link above.

The full report is published at

Invitation to presentation of ViaCon’s Q3 report 2023

The ViaCon Group invites you to a webcast presenting 2023’s third quarter results.

Date: November 17, 2023
Time: 10:00-11:00 CET
Presenters: CEO Stefan Nordström and CFO Philip Delborn
Link to webcast: ViaCon Group Q3 presentation – Finwire (

On November 17, 2023 at 10:00 CET, ViaCon’s CEO, Stefan Nordström, and CFO, Philip Delborn, will present financial results and development for the third quarter 2023. The presentation will be held in English and includes a Q&A session.

The Q3 report will be published on November 16.

The report and the presentation will be available on ViaCon's website after they are released: Reports – Viacon Group.

Inbjudan till presentation av ViaCons Q3-rapport 2023

ViaCon Group bjuder in till en webbsänd presentation av tredje kvartalet 2023.

Datum: 17 november 2023
Tid: 10:00-11:00 CET
Presentatörer: VD Stefan Nordström och CFO Philip Delborn
Länk till webbsändning: ViaCon Group Q3 presentation – Finwire (

Den 17 november 2023 klockan 10:00 presenterar ViaCons VD, Stefan Nordström, och CFO, Philip Delborn, koncernens ekonomiska resultat och utveckling för tredje kvartalet 2023. Presentationen kommer att hållas på engelska och inkluderar en frågesession.

Q3-rapporten kommer att publiceras den 16 november.

Rapporten samt presentationen kommer att finnas tillgängliga på ViaCons hemsida efter att de är släppta: Rapporter – Viacon Group.

ViaCon’s Interim Report January – June 2023

Efficiency work accelerated, after a quarter affected by delays in customers’ financing solutions in connection with infrastructure projects.


  • Net sales amounted to EUR 50,075 thousand (61,091), a decrease of 18.0% compared with the corresponding period last year. Organic growth amounted to -14.3%.
  • Operating earnings (EBIT) amounted to EUR 2,603 thousand (6,536), corresponding to an EBIT margin of 5.2% (10.7).
  • Operating earnings before depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to EUR 4,151 thousand (7,898), corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 8.3% (12.9).
  • Underlying earnings before depreciation (underlying EBITDA) amounted to EUR 5,398 thousand (9,209), corresponding to an underlying EBITDA margin of 10.8% (15.1).
  • Order intake amounted to EUR 53,225 thousand (61,412), a decrease of 13.3% compared with the same period last year. Organic growth amounted to -10.2%.
  • ViaCon intensified the efficiency work initiated in 2022. The initiative is expected to result in reduced costs, excluding non-recurring items, of approximately EUR 5-6 million in 2023, compared to the planned costs for the year.


  • Net sales amounted to EUR 80,609 thousand (96,050), a decrease of 16.1% compared with the corresponding period last year. Organic growth amounted to -12.6%.
  • Operating earnings (EBIT) amounted to
  • EUR -998 thousand (3,779), corresponding to an EBIT margin of -1.2% (3.9).
  • Operating earnings before depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to EUR 2,128 thousand (6,655), corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 2.6% (6.9).
  • Underlying earnings before depreciation (underlying EBITDA) amounted to EUR 3,655 thousand (9,339), corresponding to an underlying EBITDA margin of 4.5% (9.7).
  • Order intake amounted to EUR 96,555 thousand (125,631), a decrease of 23.1% compared with the same period last year. Organic growth amounted to -20.5%.
  • As of January 1, 2023, the accounting currency and presentation currency is Euro.


Interest rate increases and high inflation during the first half of the year have entailed delays in ViaCon’s customers’ financing solutions for infrastructure projects. This shift in the customers’ projects has had a negative impact on the quarter’s turnover and results. Demand for ViaCon’s solutions is still high and during the summer months ViaCon has had a clearly increasing order intake. To ensure that 2023 will also be a strong year, ViaCon has, during the quarter, intensified the efficiency work initiated in 2022.

Sales for the quarter amounted to EUR 50,075 thousand (61,091), a decrease of 18.0% on the previous year. The sales development was related to Bridges & Culverts Solutions and GeoTechnical Solutions. StormWater Solutions had a good organic growth of 8.7%. ViaCon’s acquired operations have contributed to a turnover of EUR 229 thousand, but we have also chosen to leave, and divest, non-core operations with a turnover of around EUR 1,148 thousand in the corresponding period previous year. By continuing to leave product groups with low profitability, we increase our product margins. Organic growth amounted to -14.3% adjusted for divestments and acquisitions.

The operating earnings (EBIT) amounted to EUR 2,603 thousand (6,536), corresponding to an EBIT margin of 5.2% (10.7). The adjusted operating earnings amounted to EUR 3,850 thousand (7,848), corresponding to an adjusted EBIT margin of 7.7% (12.8). The operating earnings were affected by the lower sales, mainly as a result of delays in customer financing solutions. The quarter’s cash flow was improved compared to the corresponding period last year, where mainly the efficiency work with improving the working capital contributed positively.

There are several infrastructure investments taking place around Europe as there is a great need to renew and expand an ageing infrastructure in many countries. Order intake during the quarter amounted to EUR 53,225 thousand (61,415), corresponding to an organic growth of -10.2 percent. Demand and order intake for 2022 was high, but unevenly distributed between the quarters.

In June, we decided to intensify the efficiency work initiated in 2022 with the aim of slimming the organization for increased agility and efficiency, which means that ViaCon will reduce the workforce by approximately 180 positions. Through this initiative we expect to reduce our costs, excluding non-recurring items, compared to the costs we had planned for in 2023 by approximately EUR 5-6 million in 2023. The savings will be visible to some extent already in the third quarter and at the end of the fourth quarter, we expect this initiative to result in sustainable efficiencies corresponding to approximately EUR 10 million on an annual basis. The non-recurring items linked to this initiative are expected to amount to EUR 2.5-3.0 million, of which EUR 1.0 million will be charged to the result in the second quarter and the remaining costs will be charged to the third and fourth quarter of 2023. These measures will strengthen ViaCon both in the short and long term.

The increase in order intake we saw during the summer combined with the ongoing efficiency work means that we, with confidence, look forward to a continued good development as the leading European supplier with more sustainable solutions compared to alternative types of materials.

Stefan Nordström,
President and CEO, ViaCon Group

Presentation of the report

A live presentation of the financial results and development for the period followed by a Q&A session will be held as follows:

Date: August 30, 2023
Time: 14:00 -15:00 CET
Presenters: CEO Stefan Nordström and CFO Philip Delborn
Link to webcast:

The session will be recorded and available to watch on-demand via the link above.

The full report is published at

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About us

ViaCon constructs connections. Consciously.

We combine more than three decades of experience with today's cutting-edge technology and vital sustainable goals. ViaCon is a pioneer in the field of Bridges & Culverts-, GeoTechnical- and StormWater Solutions.

About us

ViaCon constructs connections. Consciously.

We combine more than three decades of experience with today's cutting-edge technology and vital sustainable goals. ViaCon is a pioneer in the field of Bridges & Culverts-, GeoTechnical- and StormWater Solutions.

About us

ViaCon constructs connections. Consciously.

We combine more than three decades of experience with today's cutting-edge technology and vital sustainable goals. ViaCon is a pioneer in the field of Bridges & Culverts-, GeoTechnical- and StormWater Solutions.

About us

ViaCon constructs connections. Consciously.

We combine more than three decades of experience with today's cutting-edge technology and vital sustainable goals. ViaCon is a pioneer in the field of Bridges & Culverts-, GeoTechnical- and StormWater Solutions.