Invitation to presentation of ViaCon’s Q4 report 2023

The ViaCon Group invites you to a webcast presenting 2023’s fourth quarter results.

Date: February 23, 2024
Time: 11:00-12:00 CET
Presenters: CEO Stefan Nordström and CFO Philip Delborn
Link to webcast: ViaCon Group Year-end Report 2023 – Finwire

On February 23, 2024 at 11:00 CET, ViaCon’s CEO, Stefan Nordström, and CFO, Philip Delborn, will present financial results and development for the fourth quarter 2023. The presentation will be held in English and includes a Q&A session.

The Q4 report will be published prior to the presentation the same date.

The report and the presentation will be available on ViaCon's website after they are released: Reports – Viacon Group.

Inbjudan till presentation av ViaCons Q4-rapport 2023

ViaCon Group bjuder in till en webbsänd presentation av fjärde kvartalet 2023.

Datum: 23 februari 2024
Tid: 11:00-12:00 CET
Presentatörer: VD Stefan Nordström och CFO Philip Delborn
Länk till webbsändning: ViaCon Group Year-end Report 2023 – Finwire (

Den 23 februari 2024 klockan 11:00 presenterar ViaCons VD, Stefan Nordström, och CFO, Philip Delborn, koncernens ekonomiska resultat och utveckling för fjärde kvartalet 2023. Presentationen kommer att hållas på engelska och inkluderar en frågesession.

Q4-rapporten kommer att publiceras den 23 februari innan webbsändningen.

Rapporten samt presentationen kommer att finnas tillgängliga på ViaCons hemsida efter att de är släppta: Rapporter – Viacon Group.

Invitation to presentation of ViaCon’s Q3 report 2023

The ViaCon Group invites you to a webcast presenting 2023’s third quarter results.

Date: November 17, 2023
Time: 10:00-11:00 CET
Presenters: CEO Stefan Nordström and CFO Philip Delborn
Link to webcast: ViaCon Group Q3 presentation – Finwire (

On November 17, 2023 at 10:00 CET, ViaCon’s CEO, Stefan Nordström, and CFO, Philip Delborn, will present financial results and development for the third quarter 2023. The presentation will be held in English and includes a Q&A session.

The Q3 report will be published on November 16.

The report and the presentation will be available on ViaCon's website after they are released: Reports – Viacon Group.

Inbjudan till presentation av ViaCons Q3-rapport 2023

ViaCon Group bjuder in till en webbsänd presentation av tredje kvartalet 2023.

Datum: 17 november 2023
Tid: 10:00-11:00 CET
Presentatörer: VD Stefan Nordström och CFO Philip Delborn
Länk till webbsändning: ViaCon Group Q3 presentation – Finwire (

Den 17 november 2023 klockan 10:00 presenterar ViaCons VD, Stefan Nordström, och CFO, Philip Delborn, koncernens ekonomiska resultat och utveckling för tredje kvartalet 2023. Presentationen kommer att hållas på engelska och inkluderar en frågesession.

Q3-rapporten kommer att publiceras den 16 november.

Rapporten samt presentationen kommer att finnas tillgängliga på ViaCons hemsida efter att de är släppta: Rapporter – Viacon Group.

Invitation to presentation of ViaCon’s Q2 report 2023

The ViaCon Group invites you to a webcast presenting 2023’s second quarter results.

Date: August 30, 2023
Time: 14:00-15:00 CET
Presenters: CEO Stefan Nordström and CFO Philip Delborn
Link to webcast: ViaCon Group Q2 presentation – Finwire (

On August 30, 2023 at 14:00 CET, ViaCon’s CEO, Stefan Nordström, and CFO, Philip Delborn, will present financial results and development for the second quarter 2023. The presentation will be held in English and includes a Q&A session.

The Q2 report will be published on August 30 in advance of the webcast.

The report and the presentation will be available on ViaCon's website after they are released: Reports – Viacon Group.

Inbjudan till presentation av ViaCons Q2-rapport 2023

ViaCon Group bjuder in till en webbsänd presentation av andra kvartalet 2023.

Datum: 30 augusti 2023
Tid: 14:00-15:00 CET
Presentatörer: VD Stefan Nordström och CFO Philip Delborn
Länk till webbsändning: ViaCon Group Q2 presentation – Finwire (

Den 30 augusti 2023 klockan 14:00 CET presenterar ViaCons VD, Stefan Nordström, och CFO, Philip Delborn, koncernens ekonomiska resultat och utveckling för andra kvartalet 2023. Presentationen kommer att hållas på engelska och inkluderar en frågesession.

Q2-rapporten kommer att publiceras den 30 augusti innan webbsändningen.

Rapporten samt presentationen kommer att finnas tillgänglig på ViaCons hemsida efter att de är släppta: Rapporter – Viacon Group.

Invitation to presentation of ViaCon’s Q1 2023 report


The ViaCon Group invites you to a webcast presenting 2023’s first-quarter results.

Date: 24 maj 2023
Time: 14:00-15:00 CET
Presenters: CEO Stefan Nordström and CFO Philip Delborn
Link to webcast: ViaCon Group Q1 presentation – Finwire (

On May 24, 2023 at 14:00 CET, the ViaCon Group will present its 2023 first-quarter results.

ViaCon’s CEO, Stefan Nordström, and CFO, Philip Delborn, will present financial results and development and will be available to answer questions at the end of the session.

The presentation will be in English. The session will be recorded and available to watch on demand via ViaCon Group Q1 presentation – Finwire.

The Q1 report will be published on May 24 in advance of the webcast. All information about the results and presentation will be available on ViaCon's website: Reports – Viacon Group.


Kommuniké från årsstämma i ViaCon Group AB (publ) den 16 maj, 2023


ViaCon Group AB (publ) har hållit årsstämma torsdagen den 16 maj 2023. Nedan följer en sammanfattning av de beslut som fattades vid stämman, samtliga fattades med erforderlig majoritet och i enlighet med inför stämman framlagda förslag.

Fastställande av resultat- och balansräkning samt koncernresultat- och koncernbalansräkning samt ansvarsfrihet

Vid årsstämman fastställdes resultat- och balansräkning samt koncernresultaträkningen och koncernbalansräkningen för 2022. Årsstämman beviljade envar av styrelseledamöterna och den verkställande direktören under året ansvarsfrihet för verksamhetsåret 2022.

Beslut om resultatdisposition

Vid årsstämman beslutades i enlighet med styrelsens förslag att av till stämmans förfogande stående vinstmedel, 162 048 350 kronor (EUR 14 570 335), dela ut sammanlagt 4 208 400 kronor (EUR 378 392) till aktieägarna, vilket motsvarar en utdelning om totalt 84 kronor (EUR 7,55) per utdelningsberättigad aktie, och att i ny räkning balansera 157 839 950 kronor (EUR 14 191 943).

Val av styrelseledamöter, styrelseordförande och revisorer

Styrelsen ska bestå av sex (6) bolagsstämmovalda ledamöter och en (1) suppleant. Patrik Nolåker, Krzysztof Andrulewicz, Ulrik Smith, Niclas Thiel, Moritz Madlener, Elke Eckstein och Gunilla Spongh omvaldes som ordinarie ledamöter samt Philip Delborn till styrelsesuppleant för tiden fram till nästa årsstämma. Patrik Nolåker omvaldes som styrelseordförande för samma period.

Bolaget ska ha en revisor. Revisionsbolaget Ernst & Young AB med Staffan Landén som huvudansvarig revisor, omvaldes som revisor för tiden fram till dess att årsstämma hållits år 2024.

Fastställande av arvode till styrelsens ledamöter och revisorn

Arvode till styrelsens ledamöter ska utgå med fast arvode om sammanlagt 1 550 000 kronor, varav 500 000 kronor ska utgå till styrelsens ordförande Patrik Nolåker, 350 000 kronor ska utgå till var och en av styrelseledamöterna Gunilla Spongh, Elke Eckstein respektive Krzysztof Andrulewicz. Arvode utgår inte till anställd i FSN Capital eller ViaCon.

Vidare beslutade årsstämman att arvode ska utgå till revisorn enligt godkänd räkning.

Besluten i sin helhet

Besluten i sin helhet finns tillgängliga på Bolagets hemsida,


Press release from the Annual General Meeting of ViaCon Group AB (publ) on May 16, 2023


ViaCon Group AB (publ) held the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, May 16, 2023. Below is a summary of the resolutions at the meeting, all made by the required majority and in accordance with proposals presented to the meeting.

Determination of the income statement and balance sheet, as well as the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet and discharge from liability

At the Annual General Meeting, the income statement and balance sheet as well as the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet for 2022 were adopted. The Annual General Meeting granted each of the Board members and the CEO during the year discharge from liability for the 2022 financial year.

Decision on disposition of the company's profits

The Annual General Meeting resolved in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal, to distribute in total SEK 4,208,400 (EUR 378,392) of the company's profit of SEK 162,048,350 (EUR 14,570,335) available to the meeting, to the shareholders, equivalent to a dividend of total SEK 84 (EUR 7.55) per share, and to balance SEK 157,839,950 (EUR 14,191,943).

Election of Board members, Chairman of the Board and re-election of auditor

The Board of Directors shall consist of six (6) members elected by the Annual General Meeting and one (1) deputy. The AGM resolved on the re-election of the board members Patrik Nolåker, Krzysztof Andrulewicz, Ulrik Smith, Niclas Thiel, Moritz Madlener, Elke Eckstein and Gunilla Spongh as ordinary board members and Philip Delborn as a deputy board member for the period until the next Annual General Meeting. For the same period, Patrik Nolåker was re-elected as Chairman of the Board.

The company must have an auditor. The Annual General Meeting resolved to re-elect the auditing company Ernst & Young AB as the company's auditor for the period up to the end of the 2024 AGM. Authorized Public Accountant Staffan Landén will remain as the principal auditor.

Determination of fees to the Board members and the auditor

The Annual General Meeting resolved that fees to the Board members shall be paid in a total of SEK 1,550,000, of which SEK 500,000 shall be paid to the Chairman of the Board, Patrik Nolåker, SEK 350,000 shall be paid to each of Gunilla Spongh, Elke Eckstein and Krzysztof Andrulewicz. A prerequisite for payment is that a member is a board member who is appointed by the Annual General Meeting and is not employed by FSN Capital, the company or subsidiaries.

Furthermore, the Annual General Meeting decided that fees should be paid to the auditor according to approved invoice.

The decision in its entirety

The decisions as a whole are available at


Invitation to presentation of ViaCon’s Q4 2022 report


The ViaCon Group invites you to a webcast presenting 2022’s fourth-quarter results.

Date: Monday, February 20, 2023
Time: 10-11 CET
Presenters: CEO Stefan Nordström and CFO Philip Delborn
Link to webcast: ViaCon Group Q4 presentation – Finwire

On February 20, 2023 at 10 a.m. CET, the ViaCon Group will present its 2022 fourth-quarter results.

ViaCon’s CEO, Stefan Nordström, and CFO, Philip Delborn, will present financial results and development and will be available to answer questions at the end of the session.

The presentation will be in English. The session will be recorded and available to watch on-demand via ViaCon Group Q4 presentation – Finwire.

The Q4 report will be published on February 17 in advance of the webcast. All information about the results and presentation will be available on ViaCon's website: Reports – Viacon Group.


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About us

ViaCon constructs connections. Consciously.

We combine more than three decades of experience with today's cutting-edge technology and vital sustainable goals. ViaCon is a pioneer in the field of Bridges & Culverts-, GeoTechnical- and StormWater Solutions.

About us

ViaCon constructs connections. Consciously.

We combine more than three decades of experience with today's cutting-edge technology and vital sustainable goals. ViaCon is a pioneer in the field of Bridges & Culverts-, GeoTechnical- and StormWater Solutions.

About us

ViaCon constructs connections. Consciously.

We combine more than three decades of experience with today's cutting-edge technology and vital sustainable goals. ViaCon is a pioneer in the field of Bridges & Culverts-, GeoTechnical- and StormWater Solutions.

About us

ViaCon constructs connections. Consciously.

We combine more than three decades of experience with today's cutting-edge technology and vital sustainable goals. ViaCon is a pioneer in the field of Bridges & Culverts-, GeoTechnical- and StormWater Solutions.