Visit ViaCon Group at IABMAS in Copenhagen!

IABMAS International Conference on Bridge Maintenance
June 25-27, 2024 | Copenhagen

Bridges, tunnels, and similar transportation infrastructure are critical parts of daily life and essential for a smoothly functioning society. But until something goes wrong, these vital pieces of infrastructure suffer from “out of sight, out of mind” invisibility.   

Organisations like IABMAS (International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety) put transport infrastructure front and centre, showcasing solutions that provide optimal operations and maintenance for transportation infrastructure. And the IABMAS conference in Copenhagen is the ideal event to make sustainable, safe transport infrastructure top of mind. 

Join us at IABMAS in Copenhagen 

ViaCon, highlighting how we prioritise end-to-end solutions for building and renewing fundamental infrastructure sustainably, will participate in the 2024 IABMAS International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, June 25-27, in Copenhagen.  

IABMAS Copenhagen  

June 25-27, 2024 

Tivoli Congress Centre 

ViaCon Group, stand 11  

The IABMAS conference aims to address bridge maintenance, safety and management, including bridge repair and rehabilitation, bridge management systems, the needs of bridge owners, financial planning, bridge-related safety, risk and economic issues and, as we all look toward the future and the long term, sustainability.  

The event is an excellent opportunity to explore innovation and research alongside academics, practitioners, owners and operators to discuss how to bridge the gap between theory and practise and look at advances and future research directions.  

Build, Renew, Sustain: An end-to-end bridge to the future 

ViaCon’s commitment to sustainable, long-lasting bridge, culvert and tunnel infrastructure will be on full display at our IABMAS stand.  

As part of our participation, we will present two papers.  

Paper: Low carbon solution for short-span bridges: steel soil composite bridges versus concrete bridges 

When: June 25, 10:30 – 12:00 CET 
Where: Arkaden 8 – 2nd floor 

Guangli Du, Associate Professor, Department of the Built Environment, Aalborg University, Denmark 
Guangli Du, Associate Professor, Department of the Built Environment, Aalborg University, Denmark 
Guangli Du is an associate professor at the Department of the Built Environment, Aalborg University. Her research interest is structural analysis and sustainable construction, focusing on seeking sustainable structural solutions to reduce environmental impacts as much as possible without compromising their safety level, functionality and cost.
Adam Czerepak, Products & Solutions Director, Bridges & Culverts, ViaCon Group 
Adam Czerepak, Products & Solutions Director, Bridges & Culverts, ViaCon Group 
Adam Czerepak is a civil engineer with 25 years of professional experience, specializing in new technologies for bridges.  He has been with ViaCon since 2004, and he is currently working with the Group, helping further develop ViaCon’s bridges and culverts solutions. 

Paper: Steel soil composite bridges, advantages – based on case studies 

When: June 25, 13:00 – 14:30 CET 
Where: Arkaden 8 – 2nd floor 

Michael Nygaard Nonbo, Technical Sales Representative, ViaCon Denmark 
Michael Nygaard Nonbo, Technical Sales Representative, ViaCon Denmark 
Michael Nonbo is a MSc in Civil Engineering and has among other a past as in the consulting business working for Rambøll in the department for Ports & Geostructures. Since 2017 Michael Nonbo has worked with ViaCon primarily focusing on sales and designing our corrugated steel bridges, culverts and water tanks.
Baturalp Şentürk, Design/Geotechnical Engineer, ViaCon Türkiye 
Baturalp Şentürk, Design/Geotechnical Engineer, ViaCon Türkiye 
Baturalp graduated with BSc in Civil Engineering in 2018 followed by MSc in Geotechnical Engineering in 2022. Starting his professional journey at Fugro, Baturalp worked as a geotechnical engineer before joining ViaCon. He is currently working with bridges and culverts solutions at ViaCon Türkiye. 

Register for IABMAS and meet ViaCon!

Bringing together leaders and peers in the field of bridge maintenance, safety, and management and advancement and innovation in the field of bridge building, the IABMAS conference is a must-attend event for anyone connected to the field.  







