Retaining a more sustainable fire tank solution
ViaCon Lithuania extinguishes higher-cost fire tank solutions to introduce more sustainable, long-lasting alternative.
In 2021, ViaCon steered the installation of a new fire tank in a more affordable, sustainable direction with a WaterCor retention system.
The Challenge
How can the construction of a fire tank be made more durable and less expensive?
The plans for a retention solution changed direction when it became clear that construction could be both more sustainable and economical.
The project required the installation of a 204m3 fiberglass fire tank in Kaunas, Lithuania.
The Solution
ViaCon engineers suggested that a WaterCorTank retention tank, made of spiral corrugated HelCor pipes, could serve the purpose more effectively and efficiently than the originally planned distributable reinforced concrete slab material, which was more expensive, had higher production costs and a shorter lifetime. The result led to:
• Construction from a longer-living, renewable material
• Environmentally friendly construction
• Shorter construction time
• Durable construction for longevity
• Saved costs with shorter construction and lower maintenance
Investor: UAB „SBA baldų kompanija“
Designer: UAB „Rapasta“
Product: Watercor Helcor TCx2 D3800mm,
L-18.00m, V-204m3
Contractor: UAB “YIT Lietuva”
The Advantage
ViaCon focuses on using renewable materials and more efficient construction for a reduced carbon footprint and the ability to live in harmony with the environment. With ViaCon, the new fire tank water retention solution delivered on its purpose, such as:
• Easy and fast to build, due to simple structure
• Lower maintenance requirements
• Competitive costs, including less energy and fossil fuel consumption during construction
• Steel is 100% recyclable, contributing to the circular economy at end of life